Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bleach: Day at the Beach

What we need now is some Bleach fanservice. It's always a good remedy to boredom.


A nice bit of fanservice from Freezing (manga). I'm not sure who this character is cuz I'm not familiar with the show. But, nevertheless, how could I resist.

The Breaker New Waves

Jinni is totally shameless when it comes to showing off her body in this pic. That's why I love it. It's kick ass and show ass. Woo!

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

Kisara has an amazing tush. The best part is knowing which angles to show it.

Ichigo Says No

Whatever it is, Ichigo ain't having any. I like the aggressive look of disgust on his face. It shows he's determined to keep out of it. Pretty damn cool, if you ask me.

Saturday, July 24, 2010